Sunday, December 02, 2007

Slate (Press)

you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes
you are the one in my dark eyes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This poem has a wonderful starting sentence, but I don't really understand what you're trying to do with the structure of the different colors. It would be interesting if you used the colors to write other sentences with the words you highlighted, or if you created the image of "dark eyes" with the highlighted words.